This project is dedicated to OUR Advisory Board.

It was important for this project to have a 100% Black Advisory Board, and this project would not exist without their guidance and oversight.

meet our advisory board


brittani Baker
AfroHub, Inc. / Founder & CEO 

“I want to see a world where we all as a people can have fair equity and access to opportunities. Being involved in this project and the people who are creating this space, shows a love for one another that more of the world should know exists."


kendall wright
President/CEO Entelechy Training and Development, Inc.

“My passion flows from the enormity and pervasiveness of the challenge. I know there has to be a better way for us to live together in mutual respect and esteem. Yet, our societal imprinting leaves us hobbled in our efforts. It is time for a substantive change in how we view and interact with each other. To do nothing is to further fuel the inequity, intolerance and, incivility plaguing our society. We must confront this malady, on all fronts, from every angle, and every outpost, no matter how seemingly well-meaning or remote.”


hillary iliff
Office Administrator, Non-profit 

“Being a part of this project is allowing me to live and speak my truth. I can affect positive change and create a better world for my legacy.”

"I feel safe even in the midst of my enemies; for the truth is powerful and will prevail." ~Sojourner Truth


who are the rest of us?

Why are we doing this work?

Our Mission:

We are committed to providing accessible and actionable information to white people in a digestible, relatable way. We seek to remove jargon, insert experts, highlight opportunities for change, and connect white people to resources about how to effectively use their privilege. We want to aid in the journey to break down the barrier to action, acknowledge and actively manifest the eradication of white supremacists, and vocally denounce anti-Blackness. 

Knowledge is power and we are here to share the truth.  

Our vision:

We want to take a different approach and fill a big gap. White people are used to consuming content that is sugar coated and watered down, which removes the ability to effectively relate to and ultimately advocate for Black and people of color (POC). We will highlight and amplify voices of people making a difference in their communities, speaking out against inequality, and leading positive change for minorities. We will provide accessible information that will help with immediate behavior change, create systems for sustainability, and support long term equality. This initiative is completely crowdsourced by people who are committed to turning the tide and recognized that we all have a role to play, and we’re here to show up and do the work.